Omelet Time
Now who doesn't like omelets. Light, fluffy, well-made sheet of eggy goodness. As I have mentioned earlier , the modest egg is the most versatile ingredient that one can work with. The Omelet is yet another display of its power to hold the sway of humans from the time it is served till the last bite vanishes down the throat and a moment more. Making this doesn't even take that much time. The key to to making a fluffy omelet: Beat the eggs, don't stir them . Stirring just mixes up the materials. Beating incorporates air into the mixture and if the material is capable, like eggs are, the air gets trapped. Stirring at this point will only aid in removing the trapped air. You can beat the eggs using a fork or an egg-beater, in case you have one. The beater just gets the job done quicker for it allows for more air to come in contact. The white and the yolk have different capacity for trapping air. For really fluffy omelets, beat the yolk and the white separately. Beat the whites...