No Heat Cooking: Sandwiches

Cooking doesn't always involve heat and all that goes with it. Sandwiches are a great way to satisfy the midnight hunger attacks. All you require is:
  1. Some slices of bread
  2. Something to put in between
With just these two components, there are so many variations possible that the world is still not tired of discovering new recipes, be it for those summertime picnics or the sophisticated tea parties.
Choose a bread that you like. I prefer simple Brown Bread for my sandwiches, but you can even get yourself a Baguette and slice it up. For the inner layer I would give the following suggestions:
  • Tomatoes
  • Cucumber
  • Lettuce
  • Onions
  • Salami
  • Bacon
Buy want you want and only as much as you need. For these stuff won't last long without proper storage which is difficult to attain outside of a refrigerator, which I am assuming that you don't have. In case you have one, go ahead and stock it up. Just have a few jars of jam or peanut butter or mayonnaise or mustard and ketchup on hand and a whole new dimension will be added to what started as a midnight snack.
The sandwich is a perfect dorm room dish because it is fast, clean and filling. And it is healthy too. So go ahead and make yourself some!


  1. Hey! So here's the reason I didn't comment on this blog for so long - I decided I should first try making what you recipe-ed to us. And it took me a long time to screw up the courage to start off on the cooking.

    The devilled eggs was good, I thought, but I figure you'd make it better. And the sandwich I made was also good, but it turned soggy pretty soon.

  2. So thank you! You have now expanded my repertoire of culinary skills to include the following

    1) tea using teabag
    2) Scrambled eggs
    3) Sandwich
    4) Devilled eggs

    I'm glad you're keeping it simple, at least at first, because otherwise I'd be lost. So good job.

    Now get on with some new stuff! I'm hungry!

  3. @Joey
    It is good to hear that what I have put up is of good use to someone.
    Play around with flavors in the deviled eggs. You might hit upon something that would blow your mind away.
    A quick tip for the soggy sandwich problem. Line the bread with butter, lettuce, meat or cheese. Try to assemble the sandwich not too long before the consumption.
    Or else, toast the bread to crisp it up. When you add the cucumber, tomato and condiments to it, it will be soft but not soggy.
    I'll put up new stuff soon. In the meantime, keep cooking.

  4. @ white

    Sorry for being so clueless, but what exactly do you mean by 'line the bread'?

  5. @Joy
    'Line the bread' as in place them in contact with bread. These are dry ingredients. The won't allow the bread to go soggy. And they will also keep the moisture in the other ingredients placed inside from reaching the bread quickly.
    But do take note that a sandwich prepared and kept for too long will go soggy, if not rancid, no matter what you do.


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