Prelude: Equipment Needed

What every kitchen requires in order to dish out good food is not much. People think that restaurants produce such great food because they have lots of equipment. Pots, pans, loads of knives, blenders, food processors, ovens, microwaves and lots of other devices which require utmost delicacy to handle. Well, they do have all that and they spend a fortune for all that. But, then, they make a fortune too.
I, on the other hand, get a little allowance every month, usually at the beginning, which I have to utilize till the end. What do I do in such a situation? Well, I team up with some of the seven hungry souls that I promise to feed, and I go and win some contests and use up that prize money to get the necessary equipment.
The following is a list of the bare essentials required for any Dorm Room Cook (What I have with me is marked with a *):
  1. *Heat source: Preferably something that won't burn the building down. Gas supply is a big NO-NO!
  2. *Cooking vessel: This is what you cook in. You can have several. But that is really not required. One is enough. More just makes the job easier.
  3. *Knife: A good multipurpose knife is the most ideal. But you can make do with what you can get hold of. I have this awesome 10" Chef's Knife that I use at home. But, I dare not bring it here for some people have a tendency to wave about sharp objects and hurt others. Specifically by almost cutting of the thumb.
  4. Frying pan/Skillet: Required unless you want to get bored of eating only boiled or steamed or stewed stuff. It will take a long time to get bored of those when there is a creative mind at play. But, trust me, a bit of dry heat adds so much more flavor complexes to what you eat.
  5. Blender: A hand-held one is great for use. For all those puréed soups and juices that one can't get enough of.
  6. Microwave/Convection Oven: It depends on how large a room you have. I, unfortunately, don't have one large enough. Nor, do I want to prepare any roasts or cakes or tarts. Dang, I think I do. But, it is too much of a fire hazard. Hence, I won't.
  7. *Seasonings: That is just Salt. :)
  8. Flavorings: Most of the stuff that adds to the base flavor of the food being prepared. Like pepper, sugar, citrus juices, chili powder etc.
  9. *Cutlery: How else are you going to eat what has been prepared so lovingly and passionately?
  10. And, of course, the raw produce that you are going to turn into a wonderful meal.
Feel free to gift me any of the above things for my next birthday! I would love you for the rest of my life. Irrespective of your sex and sexual preferences.

This was just a prelude to while away the time while I get my cooking supplies. Posts with food in it, and invitations to join and dig in, will follow soon. Till then, keep eating. And enjoy my non-food blog here.

P.S.: The title of my previous post was exactly how you would have been welcomed to my room. Smells tend to linger in my room.


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